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Thule Society

Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler

High Realm Channeling is an important spiritual practice!

This glorious conflagration rises again across the Atlantic and ponces upon Washington, DC. In this way they topple the three global centres of Jewish power – banking, religion and the military. Finally, they swirl high into space, past the first heaven and back up to the sudhamma hall in Tavatimsa heaven. There Sakka/ you are pleased and then they go down to Israel and they confront the nagas and asuras there.

Next, from above you on your left you become aware of the maras. They are going down and putting a shield around Israel. You have met your match. You have an arresting feeling and your devas can’t get through. You break off the higher realm attack and your devas head back up to the sudhamma hall in retreat and they regroup with you.

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