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Thule Society

Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler

Visualizing the End of Zionist Control!

There is a process of meditation upon the higher realms where you get to the point of merging with the deva. I’ve described that in my book, Freeing the Buddha and in a video series so I will continue from that point. Visualize that you have made your way up to Tavatimsa heaven and you are sitting before Sakka. Then, you merge into Sakka and become one with him.

You experience his role/ your role as a ruler, ruling over Tavatimsa heaven. Then you go to the sudhamma hall where the four great king devas from the first heaven below await your leadership. You focus on the naga king and you communicate to the devas that you are unhappy with the vassals of the naga king who are treacherous and deceitful and rule over the Rothschild family.

2022 05 06 20.22.23



One Response

  1. The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the official religion of the United States Government . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.

    The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities and on our streets, have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to its minimal expression.

    The Jewish doctrine of Marxism… rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature… denies personal worth… contests the significance of folk and race… withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture…

    卐 “The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus, it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.  . . . If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind and this planet will—as it once did for millions of years—move through the ether devoid of men.” ― Mein Kampf 卐

    卐 “Die jüdische Lehre des Marxismus lehnt das aristokratische Prinzip der Natur ab und setzt an Stelle des ewigen Vorrechtes der Kraft und Stärke die Masse der Zahl und ihr totes Gewigt.  Sie leugnet so im Menschen den Wert der Person, bestreitet die Bedeutung von Volkstum und Rasse und entzieht der Menscheit damit die Voraussetzung ihres Bestehens und ihrer Kultur.  Sie würde als Grundlage des Universums zum Ende jeder gedanklich für Menschen faßlichen Ordnung führen.
    . . . Siegt der Jude mit Hilfe seines marxistischen Glaubensbekenntnisses über die Völker dieser Welt, dann wird seine Krone der Totentanz der Menschheit sein, dann wird dieser Planet wieder wie einst vor Jahrmillionen menschenleer durch den Äther ziehen.” ― Mein Kampf 卐


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